Project Details
Artificial Intelligence in Radiology – A Workshop for Early Career Investigators
Professorin Dr. Ulrike I. Attenberger
Subject Area
from 2021 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 465228590
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly important in modern medical imaging. AI has multiple applications, such as lesion detection and characterization, radiomics analysis, imaging biobanks, dose optimization, and structured reporting. The successful implementation of AI algorithms in medicine in the long term requires close cooperation and exchange between disciplines, especially medicine and computer science/informatics. Upcoming generations of medical professionals will need specialist training in computer science and biostatistics, and sustainable interdisciplinary networks will need to be established. Moreover, expert associations, supported by the German Radiological Society (DRG), will be required to develop quality standards along with standardized and quality-assured toolboxes as a major prerequisite for any further application of AI in medicine. This workshop provides interdisciplinary training in AI for early career researchers from the fields of medicine and computer science.
DFG Programme
Workshops for Early Career Investigators