Project Details
GRK 1121: Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen-Host-Interactions
Subject Area
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
from 2005 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 462190
The Research Training Group (RTG) works on molecular aspects of the interaction between pathogens, i.e. viruses, bacteria and eukaryotic parasites, and their hosts. All of these parasites have in common that they evolved intricate mechanisms to enter their host, and to survive and multiply within the presence of an efficient immune system. In spite of these common denominators, research in the disciplines of virology, microbiology and parasitology is still relatively narrowly focused on their own respective fields.
In an attempt to transgress these boundaries and to emphasise the parasitic life style common to viruses, many bacteria, and eukaryotic parasites, the RTG deals with model systems from all three disciplines. The research focuses on factors and mechanisms of pathogenicity. Because the interaction of pathogens and their hosts includes the confrontation with the host immune system, many projects have a strong immunological component. This aspect is strengthened by groups that work on the immunregulation of infections and come from an immunological background. We expect innovative ideas from this interdisciplinary approach and we believe that such a programme is highly attractive to excellent students from Europe and abroad. We actively recruit young PhD students on the international market and therefore English is the official language of the RTG. The course programme familiarises students with specific, topical issues in infection biology and immunology. In order to condense the period of dissertation, we have developed a comprehensive programme of lectures, seminars, practical courses, workshops and meetings, which rapidly improves the competence and performance of the students and also create a corporate identity for the RTG.
The RTG is organised by scientists from the field of infection biology from the Humboldt-University and the Free University of Berlin, the Max-Planck-Institute of Infection Biology, the German Arthritis Research Center, the Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research and the Robert-Koch-Institute. We support a close collaboration with a network of groups that are part of the MD/PhD Program of the New York University Medical School. This network has a spectrum of subjects similar to our RTG. Together, we offer to the students a highly competitive education at international standard and at the same time contribute to improving the cooperation between participating groups in Berlin and New York.
In an attempt to transgress these boundaries and to emphasise the parasitic life style common to viruses, many bacteria, and eukaryotic parasites, the RTG deals with model systems from all three disciplines. The research focuses on factors and mechanisms of pathogenicity. Because the interaction of pathogens and their hosts includes the confrontation with the host immune system, many projects have a strong immunological component. This aspect is strengthened by groups that work on the immunregulation of infections and come from an immunological background. We expect innovative ideas from this interdisciplinary approach and we believe that such a programme is highly attractive to excellent students from Europe and abroad. We actively recruit young PhD students on the international market and therefore English is the official language of the RTG. The course programme familiarises students with specific, topical issues in infection biology and immunology. In order to condense the period of dissertation, we have developed a comprehensive programme of lectures, seminars, practical courses, workshops and meetings, which rapidly improves the competence and performance of the students and also create a corporate identity for the RTG.
The RTG is organised by scientists from the field of infection biology from the Humboldt-University and the Free University of Berlin, the Max-Planck-Institute of Infection Biology, the German Arthritis Research Center, the Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research and the Robert-Koch-Institute. We support a close collaboration with a network of groups that are part of the MD/PhD Program of the New York University Medical School. This network has a spectrum of subjects similar to our RTG. Together, we offer to the students a highly competitive education at international standard and at the same time contribute to improving the cooperation between participating groups in Berlin and New York.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Participating Institution
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ); Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung (IZW)
im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.; Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.; Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie; Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.; Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.; Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie; Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
Professor Dr. Richard Lucius
Participating Researchers
Professorin Dr. Elke Bogner; Professorin Dr. Elke Genersch; Professorin Dr. Susanne Hartmann; Professor Dr. Andreas Herrmann; Professor Dr. Heribert Hofer; Professor Dr. Detlev H. Krüger; Professor Dr. Max Löhning; Professor Dr. Kai Matuschewski; Professor Dr. Thomas F. Meyer; Professor Dr. Nikolaus Osterrieder; Professor Dr. Andreas Radbruch; Karsten Tedin, Ph.D.; Professorin Dr. Hedda Wardemann; Professor Dr. Lothar H. Wieler; Privatdozent Dr. Thorsten Wolff