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Machining-induced temperature field in CFRP materials (TFC)

Subject Area Metal-Cutting and Abrasive Manufacturing Engineering
Term from 2021 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 461768523
Due to their remarkable specific strength and stiffness, carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) are increasingly used for highly loaded lightweight structures, e.g. in the aerospace industry. By suitable arrangement of unidirectional (UD) fiber layers, the fibers can be optimally adapted to the effective load directions. After the original near-net forming process, it is usually necessary to machine the components to meet the precision requirements. Often, milling is used for this step. Workpiece loads associated with machining carry the risk of damaging the functional surfaces mechanically and thermally which may lead to high costs due to repair or scrap.The heat generated during machining, its distribution within the part and the resulting thermal damage are, amongst other factors, dependent on the fiber orientation with respect to the feed direction. In preliminary research, an analytical model for the calculation of the temperature field within orthotropic workpieces for arbitrary fiber orientations was developed. In this model, the (effective) heat source width and the heat flux are of primary importance. Currently, those parameters are difficult to assess, but could be identified for exemplary individual cases from experiments in this research.The objective of this research proposal is to fundamentally investigate the dependence of the thermal process parameters heat source width and heat flux on tool and material properties as well as on the cutting conditions. For this purpose, the existing machining center for cutting of CFRP is enhanced with the necessary measuring equipment for thermomechanical process characterization. Based on experimentally identified features, empirical correlations are deduced and described by a comprehensive model. Thus, the model-based simulation of the temperature field and thermal damage in the heat-affected zone of UD-CFRP workpieces is established as a function of the relevant input parameters.The model established for UD-CFRP is empirically expanded within this project and thereby delivers scientifically relevant findings on cause-effect relationships of thermal damages in machining. It is expected to be of high value for industrial practice, as the model-based simulation of UD-CFRP systems reveals process limits when machining CFRP made of non-crimped fabrics (NCF). The portability to NCF-CFRP as well as the implementation of neglected effects, e.g. the heat transfer at the part surface, will be further investigated in the second funding phase.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Major Instrumentation Rotierendes 4-Komponenten-Dynamometer
Instrumentation Group 8970 Kraftmeßgeräte (einschl. elektronischem Anzeigegerät)

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