Effective moisture changes and landscape development on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 50 ka inferred from Lake Donggi Cona lake sediments
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2007 bis 2012
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 46138072
Sparse palaeoenvironmental data from the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau revealed that thisarea partly contradicts the general pattern of late Quaternary effective moisture change knownfrom other monsooninfluenced areas. Our project aims to investigate the causes andconsequences of regional moisture change on NE Tibetan Plateau. On the basis of severalfieldwork surveys (including a detailed lake basin survey) on the NE Tibetan Plateau andpreliminary palaeoecological data, we have selected three coring sites in the Lake DonggiCona basin (35.3°N; 98.6°E: 4100 m asl.) to explore the circumstances of regional effectivemoisture changes. Within the frame of this application we plan to retrieve three sedimentcores from the lake and prepare the sediment material for further analysis.