Powder X-ray diffractometer with a secondary parallel option for pair distribution function analyses

Subject Area Chemical Solid State and Surface Research
Term Funded in 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 459785385

Project Description

Funding for an X-ray powder diffractometer is requested for phase and structural analyses using Rietveld refinements and pair distribution function analyses. The following main requirements are important:(i) Daily phase analyses to check materials for their purity in high throughput measurements. (ii) The X-ray diffractometer must be able to generate high enough data quality to perform structural analyses based on Rietveld refinements. (iii) For the planned work, temperature dependent measurements and further in situ measurements under reactive gases are planned. It is hence necessary to have reaction furnaces and cryo accessories, for measurements that until recently had to be performed at synchrotron X-ray sources (including the obvious disadvantages of a very long waiting time between problem definition, application approval and measurement). (iv) Additionally, the measurement of pair distribution functions is necessary to cover the in depth local structural analysis of functional materials. Therefore, support for an X-ray powder diffractometer with two separate stations for phase analyses and Rietveld refinements on one side and pair distribution function measurements on the other side is requested.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Röntgenpulverdiffraktometer
Instrumentation Group 4010 Einkristall-Diffraktometer
Applicant Institution Universität Münster
Leader Professor Dr. Wolfgang Zeier