Zeb1 expressing macrophages control metastatic colonisation
Subject Area
Hematology, Oncology
from 2021 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 429280966
Tumour-infiltrating cells of the myeloid compartment are crucial determinants of tumour progression towards metastasis. Particularly tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) where described to exert both tumour/metastasis promoting and suppressing functions. The underlying molecular basis is not fully understood. Our preliminary data indicate that the EMT transcription factor Zeb1 defines a colonization-suppressive subpopulation of TAMs. The aim in project B01 is understand, how Zeb1 determines the generation of TAM-subpopulations, to isolate and characterize the Zeb1+TAM subpopulation in a mouse model for metastatic colonisation, and to validate the findings in human cancer.
DFG Programme