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Adaptive cell-matrix nanosystems (B05)

Subject Area Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term from 2021 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 433682494
This interdisciplinary project aims at the generation of a biosynthetic material, in which mammalian cells are utilized as information-processing elements that sense, integrate, and feedback on physiological stimuli. Using the expertise of three laboratories specialized in cell biology/biophysics, biomaterial science, and coordination chemistry, 3D hydrogels harbouring mesenchymal stem cells and novel metal-organic based tension sensors, will be generated. The resulting hybrid nanosystem should sense and adapt to various stimuli including mechanical forces, biochemical signals, and light.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Applicant Institution Universität Münster

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