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Molecular control of adaptive interfaces and hierarchical soft matter (B03)

Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry: Molecules, Materials, Surfaces
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 433682494
The aim of this project is to prepare and understand adaptive aqueous interfaces and to transfer this adaptivity to larger length scales within the network of thin films and bubbles of aqueous foam. For that purpose, we will investigate supramolecular structures at the water-vapor interface which are not only demonstrating responsive behavior, but show responses that depend on the sample’s history. We will combine experiments with simulations to obtain a molecular level understanding of the dynamic changes and adaptivity at interfaces and nanoscopic thin films.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Applicant Institution Universität Münster

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