T cells constitute a highly diverse set of lymphocytes with distinct phenotypical and functional properties. Among these cells, regulatory T cells (Treg cells) play a unique role in immune tolerance, maintaining tissue homeostasis and limiting inflammation. Comparatively little is known about Treg cells in birds largely due to the seemingly absence of the master transcription factor FoxP3 in avian genomes. We recently identified and expressed the chicken FoxP3 orthologue and demonstrated its expression in CD4+ CD25+ T cells, thus providing the basis for further characterization. In work package 5 (WP5) we will develop monoclonal antibodies specific for chicken FoxP3 and use these tools to comprehensively phenotype chicken Treg cells by flow cytometry and transcriptomic analysis (RNASeq). Using the new tools we will sort purify these cells from different sources and apply newly established in vitro assays to functionally analyze the regulatory properties and to identify cell specific regulatory factors. This work will be complemented by in vitro differentiation of Treg cells from naïve T cells and their functional analysis. Tools and assays developed in WP5 will be applied in other WPs to investigate regulatory capacities of B cells and γδ T cells. Since recent research indicated that Marek’s Diseases Virus (MDV) inducted CD4+ tumor cells may display a Treg like phenotype, we will apply our new technologies to phenotype MDV tumor cell lines and to address the question if Treg cells are the primary target cells for MDV. The individual research projects within FOR5130 benefit from the collaborations among each other and provide a better insight into the immune system of chickens in relation to important pathogens.
DFG Programme
Research Units