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Dilution refrigerator with optical access and 2-axis vector magnet

Subject Area Condensed Matter Physics
Term Funded in 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 452609618
Funding is requested for a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator with optical access and a two-axis vector magnet to be used in advanced experiments performed by the chair Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems (SNQS - Prof. J. J. Finley) at the Walter Schottky Institute (WSI) of Technical University of Munich (TUM). Research at SNQS focuses squarely at the intersection of quantum optics and condensed-matter physics. The Finley group use tailored optical fields to prepare, probe and control discrete and many body quantum states in nanostructured semiconductors and apply advanced nanostructuring methods to tailor light-matter interactions at length scales down to a few nanometers. Currently, the group consists of ca. 50 persons with research themes focusing broadly on:I. Quantum Nanomaterials: synthesis and study of specialised materials and novel heterointerfaces using III-V semiconductors, diamond and 2D-materials. In particular, III-V nanowire based electronic and photonic systems, proximity electronic and magnetic phenomena in 2D-heterointerfaces and emergent strongly correlated and quantum many body phases induced by interlayer couplings.II. Nanophotonic & Nanoelectronic Systems: quantum spin-systems in III-V semiconductors and diamond and their use for distributed quantum photonic technologies. Discrete spin-photon interfaces, measurement based approaches to quantum technologies and collective phenomena in nano-scale lasers.III. Nanosystems for quantum sensing and communication: development of quantum sensors with a particular focus on applications in the life-sciences and ultra-sensitive photon detectors operating at the quantum limit.The applied for piece of large equipment will be used by the SNQS group in each of the major research areas I, II and III. It will open up entirely new directions of research focusing on the study of strongly-correlated quantum systems realised using atomically thin 2D-semiconductors and their heterostructures. It will synergistically link the ongoing research activities using semiconductor based quantum systems with Munich based groups working with superconducting quantum circuits (e.g. working within the MCQST cluster of excellence). Finally, it will form one node of a planned prototypical measurement based photonic quantum communication link between different institutions (WSI and ZQE) in the Munich area. As such, it is a key investment that forms the key piece of infrastructure guiding the ongoing research strategy of the SNQS chair for the next decade to come.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Mischungskryostat mit optischem Zugang und 2-Achsen-Vektormagnet
Instrumentation Group 8550 Spezielle Kryostaten (für tiefste Temperaturen)

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