In the first funding phase, project A1 dealt with multiple competition in research and teaching using the example of the Excellence Initiative and the Quality Pact for Teaching. In the second phase, we will continue to study competitions in the two traditional core areas of universities – research and teaching. Again, the focus will be on multiplicity, i.e. the effects of different competitions on each other (or the lack of such effects). However, we will no longer strictly focus on two specific funding competitions because Germany, with its high importance of national funding competitions for reputation, is rather a special case internationally. Instead, an international comparison will place the German case that was analyzed in the first funding phase in a broader international context by international comparison. Using the United States and South Korea as examples, the project will examine how multiple competition in research and teaching affects the positioning of universities whose competitive conditions differ significantly from those in Germany. In addition, the project will analyze the competitive dynamics that emerge under the different framework conditions and the resulting effects, which will be examined with case studies on a country-specific basis. Studying national higher education systems that are characterized to a large extent by private universities, in which competition for students is far more advanced than in Germany, but in which, for example, the role of the state differs significantly at the same time, promises relevant insights for a theory of multiple competition and the question of how multiple competition develops under different contextual conditions. In doing so, we contribute to research on higher education and science that also seems suitable for knowledge transfer with regard to the German system.
DFG Programme
Research Units