Multi variable tandem extrusion line
Subject Area
Materials Science
Funded in 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 448613232
In the scope of this application a funding for the procurement of a modifiable extrusion line (r1-Modul) for the newly established Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy IKK at the Campus for Mechanical Engineering of Leibniz University Hannover is being requested. The variably configurable recycling extrusion plant serves for application-oriented experimental knowledge enhancement with regard to resource efficiency and especially material recycling of thermoplastic waste. Through direct coupling of two twin-screw extruders one after another, it is possible to purify the thermoplastic waste materials during melting process thermomechanically using filter cascade and subsequently modify or recompound using compounding. In Addition, this process is accompanied with analysis of rheological and olfactory properties of the processed thermoplastics as well as their color and chemical composition. This analysis takes place using integrated online rheometer, modular gas extraction point, inline color measurement system and near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) - modul module. These process-related extensions enable understanding of the changes occurring with thermoplastics during extrusion-technological processing and offer a valuable scientific basis for development of new product- and plastic-specific formulations, which represent a particular challenge in the case of recycled plastics. In regard to the further co-users within the university, using the processing plant r1-Modul it is possible to process besides plastics also other materials, like e.g. metals or (hybrid) composites, thus opening new possibilities and research areas for the entire campus. Besides the research work in the field of product development also research topics in the field of plant engineering, like e.g. tool wear, play a significant role. This plant would expand significantly the application-oriented research potential of the Leibniz University Hannover.This specially manufactured extrusion line offers a valuable investment in knowledge development in plastics industry at the national and international level for scientists as well as for the industry.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Multivariable adaptive Tandem-Extruderlinie
Instrumentation Group
2200 Kunststoffextruder und -blasmaschinen