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Tomographic analysis of the SpraySyn synthesis process based on instantaneous multi-simultaneous measurements

Subject Area Energy Process Engineering
Term from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 447391812
The main aim of this project is to provide on the one hand information and clarity on the structures involved within the volume entailing the synthesis process, and correlations between different measured species within the flame, excited species associated with the precursors and the particle cloud. On the other hand, provide the simulation groups with valuable 3D experimental data that can be used to validate their modelling strategies for this complex process. In all the experimental measurements, at least 200 instantaneous shots will be captured so that both instantaneous and time-averaged reconstructed fields can be calculated. The 3D experimental data, which will be the first for the SpraySyn, will also support comparison of simulation with experiment. Asymmetries will be revealed, and these can be quantified to enable the comparison on a statistical basis. Direct comparison of experiment and simulation can only be made for symmetric fields. Investigations from the first phase have confirmed unsteadinesses and pulsations that are associated with the standard conditions, some of which were not expected based on theoretical design considerations. For example, it was originally assumed that the pilot flame and co-flow streams from the sinter matrix are homogeneous, but the Beyrau project measurements have exposed that this is not the case. The simulations have shown that the co-flow is not homogeneous even beyond 18 mm height above the burner. Additionally, the temporal changes in the combustion process within the spray flame due to the strong pulsations that have been detected can influence the particle quality. To better understand the above-mentioned phenomena and assess their consequences on the synthesis process, the instantaneous 3D information that the tomographic analysis can provide will be extremely useful.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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