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Exploring the atmospheric ORIGin of Amines within the Marine boundarY layer: A combined field modelling approach (ORIGAMY)

Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 447349939
Amines are crucial but little understood organic constituent in the marine environment. They are suggested to impact new particle and aerosol mass formation within the marine boundary layer. To date, there are still very high uncertainties with regards to (i) the source, (ii) further processing of amines within the marine atmospheric multiphase chemical system, and (iii) contribution to marine aerosol mass. A deeper understanding of the amine related organic nitrogen formation within marine aerosols as well as possible oxidation-controlled emission from the ocean into the atmosphere requires fundamental mechanistic multiphase oxidation modelling studies combined with dedicated field measurements. Such approaches are missing to date as detailed mechanism or modelling studies about the multiphase oxidation of these amines has not been performed yet.The overall goal of ORIGAMY is to discover the factors influencing the emission of amines from the ocean into the atmosphere and their effect on organic aerosol mass, aerosol acidity and new particle formation. We aim to fill the big gaps of knowledge that exist concerning the sources, phase partitioning, and oxidation processes for amines in the marine boundary layer by applying dedicated new field measurements in combination with novel multiphase chemistry modelling studies. The combination of amine field measurements, emission modelling and modelling of chemical aging to understand the field results is thereby a new big innovative achievement that will result from this study.The results from ORIGAMY will provide an important basis to identify the importance of amine and amine processing in the marine boundary layer and the need to implement amine related atmospheric processes into higher scale models.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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