We recently introduced a new method for recording EEG during movement using modified LCD glasses. These glasses introduce a visual flicker, creating so called "steady state visually evoked potentials" (SSVEPs). This creates neural responses at specific frequencies, with a high signal-to-noise ratio, in response to the visual environment which the participant is looking at.The goal of this project is to demonstrate that reliable EEG data can be recorded during natural body and eye movements using this method. The experiments will involve testing the SSVEPs whilst walking at different speeds and making various head and eye movements, as well as in different environments. In all experiments a control condition will be conducted with a signal generator attached to the head, which will create simulated neural responses. This can be used to demonstrate that the method can produce data which is not corrupted by motion artefacts. This proof of concept will demonstrate that this method can be used to collect data in everyday situations, while subjects are walking and looking around. In addition, this research will build on our original finding of cortical lateralization during movement, and further explore the extent to which visual-vestibular interaction results in lateralized neural responses.
DFG Programme
Research Grants