3D-Measurements in dense granular assemblies using hyperpolarised Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Subject Area
Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Biomedical Systems Technology
since 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422037413
3D-Measurements in dense granular assemblies using hyperpolarised Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Hövener/Speck) examines three-dimensional flow fields in the reference configuration for optically non-transparent particles. For FP2, the 3D velocity maps will be extended by simultaneous temperature imaging. Both xenon and ethane show a temperature-dependent resonance frequency shift that can be exploited. Together, the two projects will deliver a broad dataset for the flow fields within packings of different particle geometries. In addition, one project will provide validation data for other numerical projects.
DFG Programme