Probably the most important factor for the supra-regional importance of the Gebel Asyut al-gharbi in late antiquity and the Middle Ages was the presence of the famous ascetic John of Lykopolis, who settled in the three largest Pharaonic tombs in the 4th century AD and built his hermitage here. Already during his lifetime, but also after his death, his place of activity had become an attraction for pilgrims from all regions of the ancient world. At the same time, other anchorites also settled on the mountain and inhabited older Pharaonic tombs. Inscriptions, graffiti and everyday objects in the surface debris, but also built structures and the remains of two monasteries bear witness to this intensive monastic occupation of the mountain. For the first time, some of these late antique and medieval Christian remains were archaeologically examined in the context of a surface survey and presented here.
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