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Extended Supersymmetry in One-dimensional Models

Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Term from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 446598760
Based upon superfield methods, including harmonic superspace ones, we will construct new models of supersymmetric mechanics, at the classical and the quantum level, for both one-particle and many-particle cases. For their superfield construction, we will exploit various types of N=2, N=4 and N=8 supermultiplets, including semi-dynamical spinning multiplets, nonlinear multiplets, and mirror multiplets. We plan to quantize some of the constructed models and study their quantum spectra.In particular, we will consider the following main tasks: - Setting up models of deformed N=8 supersymmetric mechanics composed out of two or more different multiplets, with inquiring the ensuing target-space geometry. Inspecting these models on the presence of superconformal symmetries and hidden worldline realizations of the supergroup SU(4|2);- Constructing and quantizing massive superfield matrix models with U(n) gauge symmetry;- Constructing and studying new interacting dynamical and semi-dynamical nonlinear N=4 supermultiplets;- Constructing N=4 superextensions of trigonometric and elliptic Calogero models, as well as their deformations by oscillator-type potentials, with making use of the superfield gauging approach and semi-dynamical multiplets. Generalizations to the case of N=8, d=1 supersymmetry.The studies will be carried out in close cooperation between Russian and German scientists involved in the project.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Russia
Cooperation Partners Dr. Sergey Fedoruk, until 3/2022; Professor Dr. Evgeny Ivanov, until 3/2022; Stepan Sidorov, Ph.D., until 3/2022

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