Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET) enables the detection of metabolic changes in vivo with high sensitivity and specificity, by using radiolabelled tracers (radiopharmaceuticals), which can specifically detect metabolic changes of different diseases or are directed against specific target structures (antigens or receptors). PET is considered to be the most accurate method for the non-invasive assessment of spatial and temporal metabolic changes in vivo. The requested PET/CT scanner has a significantly larger axial field of view (FOV) of 1 m compared to cur-rently available devices (FOV 25 cm), and thus will come with a 10-fold higher sensitivity as well as a considerably improved spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore, a previously unattained image quality for the detection of molecular changes can be achieved, even in comparison with a similar prototype with a FOV of 2 m. Thus, novel examination procedures with PET/CT can be carried out and further developed, which are not possible with the currently available technology:• Ultra-fast whole-body PET-examinations (1-2 min instead of 20 min), with unchanged amount of radiopharmaceuticals administered• Ultra-low dose PET examinations with very low radiation exposure (0.5 mSv instead of 6-12 mSv), as the higher sensitivity enables a considerable reduction in the amount of radiopharmaceuticals ad-ministered • High-resolution dynamic whole-body PET for the quantification of metabolic processes• Ultra-late PET imaging (with high latency after radiotracer injection) for a more accurate assessment of biological processes in humans and description of pharmacokinetics in vivoWe consider this new device as a milestone in molecular imaging, as the unique sensitivity and specificity opens up completely new research opportunities in various fields:• Development and testing of new (radio)pharmaceuticals; the requested PET/CT with enlarged FOV opens new opportunities for enhanced precision in diagnostics and therapy control in oncological diseases with very large synergies for our Cluster of excellence iFIT (image guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor therapies), with the aim of personalized control of complex oncological combination therapies.• Completely new research approaches in the field of immune imaging in cancer patients; individual prediction or early therapy stratification whether a personalized immune therapy is successful with significant economic savings potential for society • Multiparametric image analysis by artificial intelligence (cooperation with Max Planck Institute); AI-based evaluation of dynamic PET-imaging provides the most accurate representation of metabolic changes, e.g., in oncological, neurological, chronic inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases• Investigation of metabolic changes in non-oncological diseases with very low radiation exposure
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
PET/CT with long field of view
Instrumentation Group
3321 Positronen-Emissionstomographen (PET)