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Consequences of an Ascaris - Salmonella coinfection on macrophage functions and the anti-Salmonella antibody response in pigs

Subject Area Veterinary Medical Science
Term from 2020 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 445163355
The planned project will functionally analyze the immunological consequences of a coinfection of two common zoonotic pathogens, Ascaris suum and Salmonella Typhimurium in pigs. We plan to focus on helminth-induced macrophages, as these are target cells of helminth immunomodulation and at the same time important cells for salmonella reproduction and persistence. We hypothesize that the Ascaris-infection strongly influences the Salmonella infection via modulated macrophages. In addition, antibody-producing plasma cells and the pig antibody response against Salmonella will be depicted in presence of a concomitant Ascaris-infection in pigs. A modulation of the anti-Salmonella antibody response by Ascaris is of great importance for the diagnostic of Salmonella in pig farming and at slaughter due to the resulting zoonotic risk.In conclusion, the overall aim of the project is to decipher the impact of a coinfection of the zoonotic pathogens A. suum und S. Typhimurium on the cellular and humoral immune response in pigs and to detect the consequently changed persistence of the bacterial pathogen.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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