RP1: Comprehensive model testing, comparison of cohorts, and longitudinal approach

Applicant Professor Dr. Matthias Brand
Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 411232260

Project Description

The theoretical model that guides the FOR2974 and thus the composition of the core battery, which is central to RP1, is the I-PACE (Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution) model. The I-PACE model includes hypotheses on core mechanisms that will be systematically addressed in the FOR2974 core battery: cue reactivity and craving, cognitive/attentional bias, approach-avoidance tendencies, use expectancies, decision making, executive functions and inhibitory control, and impulsivity and compulsivity as transdiagnostic concepts that may particularly differentiate between early and later stages of the course of addictive behaviors. RP1 will 1) use the data of the second funding period to replicate findings of the first funding period in order to strengthen the robustness of the results, 2) analyze potential specific cohort effects, and – if we do not find cohort effects – integrate the data of the new participants (those who will participate in the second funding period but did not participate in the first funding period) into an aggregated, larger group to increase power for more complex analyses and subgroup comparisons, 3) use the data of both assessments of participants who participate in both core battery assessments in the first and second funding period (expected: 50% of participants of the first funding period) to analyze the data longitudinally, and 4) analyze the data of some specific new measures (not included in the first funding period) which result from new theoretical considerations, new scale development, and on the basis of careful reconsiderations of the core battery of FOR2974, first funding period. RP1 will test the overall hypotheses of the FOR2974 on the role of predictors, moderators, and mediators in explaining symptom severity of specific IUDs (targeting vulnerability). Using mean structure analyses, commonalities and differences across specific types of IUD will be investigated (targeting specificity). The potential shift from early to later stages (i.e., risky to pathological use) and the respective underlying mechanisms (e.g., stronger cue reactivity and additional involvement of stimulus-specific inhibitory control in later stages) will be addressed in a systematic cross-sectional study including individuals with risky compared to pathological use of the applications relating to the four proposed types of IUD. This approach will be complemented by a longitudinal approach (targeting causality) that again comprises a six-month follow-up survey in the second funding period and that combines the data of the first and second funding period of those participants who have completed both core batteries (first and second funding period) to achieve a three-year longitudinal assessment of affective and cognitive mechanisms and how they change in the course of (or recovery from) IUD.
DFG Programme Research Units
Subproject of FOR 2974:  Affective and cognitive mechanisms of specific Internet-use disorders (ACSID)