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Post-metaphysical philosophizing. Critical Theory, Philosophical Anthropology, and Logical Empiricism in comparative perspective

Subject Area History of Philosophy
Term from 2020 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444811456
The research project seeks to historically and systematically determine the relationship between Critical Theory, Philosophical Anthropology and Logical Empiricism. So far, the limited number of available papers on the topic have highlighted the controversies between these three influential movements of 20th-century philosophy. This project proposes a different reading: It emphasizes synergies between all three approaches under the term “post-metaphysical philosophizing,” which is expressed in their programmatic cooperation with the individual sciences, their critique of closed metaphysical systems, and their philosophical reflection on contemporary events in history. All three movements represent different ‘therapy programs’ of modernity: liberation through overcoming domination (Critical Theory), retrieving human identity claims (Philosophical Anthropology), and enlightenment through science (Logical Empiricism). Two goals guide the investigation: First, it will show how the three distinct movements took shape and confronted each other about their conceptions between the 1920’s to the 1960’s whereby, according to one central thesis, significant historical and systematic similarities can be traced. Secondly, it will clarify what role the drastic experience of National Socialism, emigration, exile, and the Shoah since 1933 has played in the development and the relationship between the three currents. The research project thus offers a relevant new understanding of the development and the relationship between Critical Theory, Philosophical Anthropology, and Logical Empiricism, contributing to a better understanding of three decisive movements of philosophy in the 20th century.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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