Ultra-high vacuum low temperature scanning probe microscope (UHV-LTSPM)

Subject Area Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2020 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444728977

Project Description

The ultra-high vacuum scanning probe microscope (UHV-LTSPM) will constitute a key tool in the research field “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”: We will mainly use it for the precise determination of the geometric and electronic structure of advanced two-dimensional materials. I will enable preparation and characterization of nanomaterials using the methods of surface science. In particular, the LTSPM can perform spectroscopy with the highest spatial resolution and high resolution in energy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) will allow us to go beyond our previous studies as it enables the study of individual chemical bonds as well as the characterization of insulating systems. The apparatus significantly widens the accessible temperature range.In detail we will address the following topics: (i) Correlated electrons in two-dimensional metals, (ii) heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides, (iii) classification and characterization of the electronic properties of defects in hexagonal boron nitride (potential single photon sources), (iv) investigation of ultrathin ferroelectric materials (e. g. GeSe) as candidates for sensors and non-volatile memory, and (v) characterization of epitaxially grown tin perovskites as alternative materials for photovoltaics with special attention to the influence of defects.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation Ultrahochvakuum-Tieftemperatur-Rastersondenmikroskop (UHV-LTSPM)
Instrumentation Group 5091 Rasterkraft-Mikroskope
Applicant Institution Universität Siegen
Leader Professor Dr. Carsten Busse