Scanning Electron-Microscope
Subject Area
Production Technology
Funded in 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444705716
Metallographic investigations at the light microscope (LM) and at the scanning electron microscope (SEM) are indispensable standard methods in the material sciences, especially in metallurgy. It is often necessary to correlate the results of all available test methods for each sample.Only in this way, the understanding of the microstructure can be improved and the correlations of their parameters among each other and with the macroscopic material and component properties can be worked out.Such investigations are significant at IMET. Two technical and scientific employees are working on a 27-year-old SEM and currently one fully functional light microscope - another light microscope had to be retired after 30 years. A total failure of the SEM device is expected in due time. For this reason, a timely replacement is unavoidable. Resources for the investigations carried out at the institute are not available to the required extent at other institutes or centers of the TUC. In accordance with the research needs of the working groups involved, a system for correlative light and electron microscopy is requested, which meets today's analysis requirements.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
5120 Rasterelektronenmikroskope (REM)