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Invariance problems for stochastic partial differential equations

Applicant Dr. Stefan Tappe
Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444121509
Let a stochastic partial differential equation be given. In this project, we are interested to investigate when a set of the state space is invariant for this equation. This means that for every starting point from the set the corresponding solution of the stochastic partial differential equations stays in the set; in this case we speak about stochastic invariance. The essential goals of my project consist of a theoretical part and an application part. The general goal of the theoretical part is to solve problems concerning stochastic invariance; here the given set can be, for example, a convex cone, a submanifold, or an arbitrary closed subset of the state space. Afterwards, the general goal of the application part is to apply the previous findings of the theoretical part to stochastic partial differential equations from various fields; this covers equations arising in natural sciences, equations in financial and actuarial mathematics, and equations for modeling energy markets.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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