Our research is centered around the emergent phenomena of excitons in twisted van der Waals heterostructures that are loaded in optical microcavities. As excitons couple to the resonant modes of the photonic structure their emission behavior changes crucially. In the framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED), we can distinguish two fundamental regimes: In the weak-coupling regime, the amplification of spontaneous emission yields an effective funneling of photons into resonant cavity modes, which is key for the reduction of threshold powers in microlasers. In our project, we will utilize the unique capability of twisted TMD bilayers and novel trilayers to implement and engineer periodic arrays collectively coupled of quantum emitters. Integrated in optical microcavities, such emitter arrays will form the foundation of a new generation of van der Waals microlasers. We will explore their collective and correlated behavior in optical cavities via a quantum-optical approaches. The strong-coupling regime of cQED is characterized by a coherent energy transfer between light and matter and results in the formation of new polaritonic eigenstates. We will probe quantum correlations of dipolar polariton gases, macroscopic quantum phases in the realm of the extended Bose-Hubbard model, and the emergence of coherence in light-matter coupled TMD systems. Our consortium combines experimental activities with quantum-optical and material-realistic theoretical modeling, building on our extensive long-standing expertise and very fruitful collaborative experience.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes