MEMI: Modellierung von ElektroMagnetischen Wellen und Inferenz von Multi-Messenger-Beobachtungen von Neutronensternfusionen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Quantenmechanik, Relativitätstheorie, Felder
Astrophysik und Astronomie
Förderung seit 2020
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 443239082
The multi-messenger observation of gravitational and electromagnetic signals from a binary neutron star merger on August 2017 provided us with unprecedented insights in fundamental physics, including strong and dynamical gravity, matter at extreme densities, and high-energy astrophysics phenomena. Key to access this information is the availability of detailed theoretical predictions of the binary dynamics to be employed in efficient data analysis infrastructures. MEMI addresses a main open problem in the field, namely, the coherent analysis of the different signals using Bayesian inference. The main goal is to develop one of the first frameworks for the joint analysis of gravitational and electromagnetic data and capable of model ranking. To achieve that, MEMI also develops models of kilonova light curves based on first-principles simulations in general relativity and connected to the gravitational waveform models. Immediate applications include a statistically consistent source identification, extraction of the merger remnant properties, and tight constraints on the neutron star's equation of state. MEMI exploits synergy between numerical general relativity and data analysis. The knowledge and techniques developed in MEMI are crucial to enable science with the upcoming observations. This is a renewal proposal for the MEMI project. Several milestones have been reached in the project's first phase. The present renewal is submitted to complete the ongoing work, extend the reach of MEMI objectives and fully realize the project's impact.
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