The project intends to digitize fonds GLAK 229 „Spezialakten der kleineren Ämter und Orte“, kept in the department Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe within the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. The generated data will appear on various platforms such as the Landesarchiv’s online information system, the Archivportal-D, and the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek.The fonds recommended for digitization contains most important documents. Over decades, 229 is the most frequently used fonds of the department. Consisting of 119.000 archival units and about 1.200 linear meters, it furthermore is the Generallandesarchiv´s largest fonds. Fonds 229 comprises files related to all Badenian municipalities, starting in the Holy Roman Empire and reaching far into the 19th century. The documents refer to the territory of the grand duchy of Baden and cover the complete range of administrative topics. Fonds 229 keeps core records for regional history of the upper Rhine area, offering outstanding sources both for scientific research and for studies of local history. It´s temporal range goes back to the late Middle Ages, transcripts within the fonds reach back much farer. For the 18th century, very dense information is offered. Furthermore, the hand drawn maps and plans numerously attached to files deserve to be mentioned.The project intends to improve and facilitate both scientific and non-scientific access to GLAK 229 and its primarily from the Holy Roman Empire dating contents. Substantial benefit for the project results in the context of earlier projects dealing with the digitization of core fonds within the Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe and other departments of the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. Referring to the particularly rich collection of records concerning the territories of south western Germany during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, the project significantly completes the Landesarchiv´s online services. Scientific research about various topics will be facilitated. Further benefit results in respect of the numerous maps and plans, which are already digitized. They were separated for preservation purposes and shall be reintegrated virtually into their former context within the project.
DFG Programme
Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)