Project Details
Quantifying Detachment Induced Surface Uplift in the Alps
Professor Dr. Marcel Thielmann
Subject Area
from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 442570722
The European Alps are one of the best studied orogens in the world. Yet, the processes shaping the Alpine mountain belt as we know it today are still incompletely understood. In particular, the link between deep tectonic processes (e.g. slab detachment, lithosphere delamination) and surface deformation has not been sufficiently quantified. Three main reasons for this missing quantification are (1) the still not fully resolved present-day deep structure of the European Alps, (2) the uncertainties in the rheological parameters of crust and lithospheric mantle and (3) a lack of 3D geodynamic numerical models simulating the Alpine orogeny.In this project, I therefore propose to quantify the spatiotemporally varying surface deformation patterns (uplift, subsidence and lateral movements) in relation to deep tectonic processes in the European Alps using 3D high-resolution numerical models. In particular, the effects of lithosphere removal processes since the onset of continental collision in the Late Eocene will be investigated. To achieve these goals, I will follow a three-step approach, which will establish a comprehensive physical understanding of (1) lithosphere removal processes and their dependency on slab rheology and geometry and (2) the spatiotemporal surface deformation patters caused by these deep processes. In a third step I will then apply these findings to the Alpine orogeny. By comparing numerically predicted surface deformation patterns with results from the first phase of SPP 4D-MB as well as new data from collaborators within phase 2 , the physics and consequences of deep-seated processes (slab detachment, subduction reversal etc.) will be constrained. The results of this project will help to (1) quantify the contribution of the different uplift mechanisms (horizontal compression, slab detachment/lithosphere delamination, erosion, deglaciation) shaping the European Alps and (2) define which of the different mechanisms dominated deformation of the European Alps in the last 40 Ma and today. Furthermore, numerical model results will provide new insights of the stress changes in crust and lithosphere due to the different deep-seated processes, which will help to explain observed changes in fault system activity and seismicity.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes