The project investigates the extent and nature of child labour in the Saxon textile industry from the 19th century until the passing of the Youth Protection Act of 1938. The aims are firstly, to supplement child labor research in the nineteenth century with regard to child labor in Saxony, a pioneer country of industrialization; and secondly, the study of child labor in the first half of the 20th century in Germany, which is yet uncharted territory. It relies on an extensive material in the Saxon State Archives, which has not yet been systematically evaluated. Only within the regional framework does it appear possible to take the long-term perspective demanded by recent research. The consideration of a longer period of time should allow to answer important questions, such as those concerning the decline or change of form of child labor, or, in the case of children's factory work, the causes of the decline. The focus is on child labour in the textile industry, as this was one of the most important branches of employment for children and the most important branch of industry in Saxony's industrialisation alongside mechanical engineering. In addition, the concentration on one sector makes it possible to examine the question of how technological developments and changes in company organisation affected child labour both quantitatively and qualitatively.
DFG Programme
Research Grants