European Mistletoe (V. album) is characterized by a special way of life and special biochemical properties. In particular, the energy metabolism of mistletoe is reduced, apparently without affecting its life cycle. In the first phase of the project, we investigated the energy metabolism of mistletoe at the level of mitochondria and chloroplasts. These investigations are now to be continued at the level of entire leaf cells. We believe that these analyses will provide insights into the energetic basis of the metabolism of V. album. At the same time, we see V. album as a model for addressing fundamentally important (plant) biological questions: (i) As a model for multicellular eukaryotes whose mitochondria lack complex I of the respiratory chain. This is surprising because defects concerning complex I in animals and humans usually lead to serious diseases or physiological defects. It can be studied how the respiratory chain must be remodeled so that respiration can function in the absence of complex I. (ii) As a model for a plant that can carry out photosynthesis and respiration in summer and winter under extremely different conditions and is characterized in particular by complex cold adaptation strategies. (iii) As a model for a plant that can effectively cope with abiotic and biotic stress situations, in particular through the formation of special compounds, such as viscotoxins and viscolectins. A project is proposed to systematically elucidate the peculiarities of V. album at the level of its cellular ultrastructure, proteome and metabolome. The observation of entire leaf cells will provide comprehensive insights into the biochemical life strategy of an extraordinary plant.
DFG Programme
Research Grants