Ultra-high pressure liquid chromatograph
Subject Area
Polymer Research
Funded in 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 438688627
At the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, research is being conducted on the development of macromolecules ("soft matter") as building blocks of nanomedicine across disciplines and faculties, combining nanosciences, biochemistry, pharmacy, materials science, polymer science and medicine. The topic "Soft Matter" also plays a central role in the profile lines of the University of Jena. The development and controlled production of nanocontainers make an important contribution. For the production of highest quality nano-objects, the formulation and characterization in a controlled clean room environment using the principles of good manufacturing practice is imperative. For this, both the polymeric starting materials used for the formulation of the nanoobjects and the active ingredients to be encapsulated as well as the finally produced nanocontainers must be characterized in detail. The key technology for these investigations is a flexible ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC), with which a wide variety of analytes before and after the manufacturing process can be checked accurately. This will enable new research projects and support existing research, which is centrally anchored in SFB 1278 ("PolyTarget"): Polymers for nanocontainers and their use in diagnostics and targeted drug delivery.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
1350 Flüssigkeits-Chromatographen (außer Aminosäureanalysatoren 317), Ionenaustauscher