Virtual Hydrologic Environment (VHE) - as a bridge between surface and subsurface hydrology
Final Report Abstract
In this study, a regional hydrologic soil model for meijiang area is successfully developed. This concept allows accurate numerical multi-scale simulation. Extremely fine resolutions of the soil could be used at regional scales. This is a significant improvement of numerical accuracy in hydrological modeling, which could be achieved by high performance computing (HPC) methods. Furthermore, regional groundwater recharge pattern are derived by a combination of large-scale meteorological data (rainfall - evaporation time series) and small-scale soil structure data representing the regional heterogeneity of the Meijiang soil system. The integration of databases and modeling by the use of methods from scientific computing and information technology leads to a comprehensive and consistent representation of the VHE and thus enhances our understanding about the interactions and coupling processes between the different compartments of the hydrologic system. The major achievements of the research projects are: 1. High efficient object-oriented software methods and tools, including GIS, integrated relational database model GeoHydro/DataBase - GH/DB as well as the required interfaces for numerical simulations, have been developed for processing the large data amounts in order to set up a realistic regional soil model. These tools can be easily applied to other watershed analysis. 2. The VHE concept allows the realization of high-resolution soil models (5 cm vertical discretization) for large catchment areas (ca. 6800 km2 for Meijiang catchment area). Therefore, accurate images of soil heterogeneity can be used for hydrological analysis. 3. Furthermore, a daily resolution meteorological model has been used for the calculation of infiltration distributions in the Meijiang area. The model takes temperature, sunshine duration, and precipitation from eight observation stations into account. 4. Based on the VHE approach, groundwater recharge pattern can be determined combining high-resolution meteorological data and high-resolution soil structure data. 5. The application of high performance computation (HPC) methods is a key technology for the accomplishment of realistic, high-resolution hydrological models.
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