Project Details
Principles of Mobile Robotics for Additive Manufacturing in Construction (B05)
Subject Area
Architecture, Building and Construction History, Construction Research, Sustainable Building Technology
since 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 414265976
The objective of this research is to explore the opportunities for AM with mobile robots in construction, with the focus on enabling novel architectural applications through integrated design-to-fabrication workflows. Different deposition-based AM methods are used to conceive and investigate mobile AM strategies for the design, planning, and production of building elements whose size exceeds the static workspace of individual robots. By integrating advanced sensing and control solutions, autonomous localization and precise deposition techniques for mobile AM are explored, both for print-drive-print and print-while-driving modes. In addition, this research aims to provide scalability to AM processes by examining the use of cooperative robots to collaborate on single fabrication jobs.
DFG Programme
Subproject of
TRR 277:
Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) – The Opportunity for Large Impact
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Project Head
Professorin Dr. Kathrin Dörfler