Project Details
GRK 2675: Tailored metasurfaces – generating, programming and detecting light
Subject Area
Condensed Matter Physics
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
since 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 437527638
Metasurfaces composed of designed nanoscale, subwavelength optical elements ("meta-atoms") arranged in a plane have been established as a versatile and efficient platform for controlling the properties of light fields, including their wavefront, polarization, and spectral properties. However, most metasurfaces realized so far were passive and linear and already during fabrication, their optical response was permanently encoded into the structure. In the framework of an International Research Training Group (IRTG), we will create and investigate active metasurfaces, which emit, detect and dynamically manipulate light, making use of the capability of their resonant meta-atoms to enhance the interaction of light with nanoscale matter. By combining the nanoantenna effect of the individual meta-atoms with the additional degrees of freedom offered by the arrangement, metasurfaces provide opportunities for tailoring light-matter interactions far exceeding the respective capabilities of individual nanoantennas. This scientific vision will lay the foundations for new types of high-performance (quan-tum) light sources, programmable optical systems, and enhanced detectors based on the metasurface concept. With this IRTG, the teams from Jena (FSU) and Canberra (ANU), who have already established an extraordinary scientific relationship, now aim at institutionalizing it on a thrilling field of science. META-ACTIVE is designed to exploit the synergies and complementarity of individual expertise of the PIs and the excellent research infrastructure at FSU and ANU. The training of talented young researchers is at the heart of our IRTG. To this end, we have formed a team of engaged PIs with the highest academic records for the responsibility of training the doctoral researchers. They will execute a qualification program which encompasses binational activities, scientific courses, and an adequate research stay abroad, while being co-supervised by their home and host institutions. Synchronization and harmonization of educational standards is assured by a Dual-PhD-degree, issued by both universities. Importantly, META-ACTIVE will support the career development of its graduates for positions in academia or high-tech businesses with an international and intercultural note, second to none.
DFG Programme
International Research Training Groups
International Connection
Applicant Institution
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
IRTG-Partner Institution
The Australian National University
Participating Institution
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik (IOF); Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V. (IPHT)
IRTG-Partner: Spokesperson
Professor Dr. Dragomir N. Neshev
Participating Researchers
Dr. Christin David; Dr. Falk Eilenberger; Dr. Jer-Shing Huang; Professorin Dr. Heidemarie Krüger; Professor Dr. Thomas Pertsch; Professor Dr. Ulf Peschel; Professor Dr. Carsten Ronning; Dr. Frank Setzpfandt, since 1/2023; Professor Dr. Giancarlo Soavi; Professor Dr. Andreas Tünnermann
Professorin Dr. Isabelle Staude