Project Details
Interrogating CD95 Membrane Protein Complex Formation and its Signalling for Life or Death (A12)
Subject Area
from 2020 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 267205415
The plasma membrane protein "cluster of differentiation 95" (CD95) plays a prominent role in mammalian cell signalling for apoptosis, but recent studies demonstrate its additional role in proliferation. Here, we aim to decipher how different CD95 activity states at the level of the plasma membrane affect signal transduction and the overall cell response. To this end, we interrogate CD95 interaction and complex formation after passive or active stimulation in live cells.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 1208:
Identity and Dynamics of Membrane Systems - from Molecules to Cellular Functions
Applicant Institution
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Project Head
Professorin Dr. Cornelia Monzel