Classic magnetic hybrid materials contain either magnetically soft or magnetically hard particles. Accordingly, they either have an active magnetorheological effect or are provided with passive magnetorheological properties through the premagnetisation of the magnetically hard particles. Within this research network of Russian and German working groups we combine active and passive magnetorheological properties by mixing magnetically hard and magnetic soft particles in an elastomeric matrix. The aim of the network is to synthesize corresponding materials on the basis of a detailed microscopic understanding, tailor-made for sensory applications. Accordingly, the network is divided into six projects, of which the three projects applied for within the framework of DFG funding are summarised in this package proposal. The Borin working group project deals with the magnetorheological characterization of magnetic hybrid materials, the Odenbach working group project provides microstructural characterization and information on the interparticle interaction of magnetic particles via FORC measurements, and the Becker working group project uses magnetic hybrid materials for the design of novel mechanical sensors with adjustable sensitivity. These three projects are accompanied by three projects of Russian working groups funded by the RFFI. One of these projects - the Stepanov group project - deals with the synthesis of magnetic hybrid materials and thus provides the basis for sample preparation for all other projects. The two other Russian projects are concerned with the theoretical description of magnetic hybrid materials, using a scale spanning approach that extends from the microscopic scale, i.e. from the base of the scale of magnetic particles, to the macroscopic scale, i.e. to macroscopic material laws. For these projects, the material properties determined in the package application serve both as input data and as a benchmark for checking the theoretical results. In addition, the material laws provide the input data for the design of the sensory applications. In sum, we expect the project to provide detailed information on the relationships between microstructural changes and macroscopic properties of the magnetic hybrid materials, which should make it possible to predict the changes necessary to achieve certain material properties.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Austria, Russia