This project employs surface science techniques such as spin polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, spin polarized angular photoelectron spectroscopy and spin-polarized photoelectron microscopy to study the properties of van-der-Waals type two-dimensional ferro- and antiferromagnets prepared by exfoliation. The atomically thin flakes (CrBr3, Fe3GeTe2,...) are exfoliated in a glove box and transferred in ultrahigh vacuum within the dark to the measurement setups. This avoids oxidation that occurs rapidly at ambient conditions. By mapping the spin-polarised band structure, imaging domain patterns, and probing the spin-polarized local density of states, we firstly tackle open issues resulting from the pioneering experiments such as the origin of the demonstrated gate tuning of the magnetic properties. Additionally, we aim to experimentally establish tunable versions of theoretically well-studied magnetic 2D models such as Heisenberg, Ising or XY model aiming, e.g., at a direct imaging of vortex/antivortex-type excitations.
DFG Programme
Research Grants