Professional teacher education normaly takes littel notice of the growing amount of self help literature for teachers. Therefore little is known about the popular knowledge imparted by these books. The study asks both about the production, justification and addressing of the advice book knowledge on teacher education and about the discourse concerning this knowledge. In a first step, the study works on an overview of the current advice book literature on teacher education available on the German book market. In a second step, selected producers and recipients of these publications (authors, trainees, and representatives of the academic teacher education) will be interviewed about their relationship to advice book literature. The aim of the study ist to find out how self help knowledge on teacher education is authorised as knowledge and how the acceptability of this knowledge is negotiated in different social contexts. All collected data will be evaluated by discourse analysis and the results will be presented monographically, in professional articles as well as in presentations at conferences.The study has two main aims. The first is to make a contribution to educational research on advice books. Secondly, it aims to make a contribution to a previously little studied topic in the context of teacher education.
DFG Programme
Research Grants