Project Details
phySicAlly secUre reconfiguraBlE platfoRm (SAUBER)
Subject Area
Security and Dependability, Operating-, Communication- and Distributed Systems
Computer Architecture, Embedded and Massively Parallel Systems
Computer Architecture, Embedded and Massively Parallel Systems
from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 435264177
In the growing digital world, where many aspects of daily life are solely performed by the information technology infrastructure, their security concerns are greater than ever before. With software becoming more secure on one hand, and compromising hardware becoming easier on the other hand, the hardware becomes the Achilles heel for the system security. In complex systems on chip (SoCs) of today, the reconfigurable fabric, in the form of field programmable gate array (FPGA), plays an important role due to its rapid time to market, flexibility, and updatability. FPGAs are also very promising for many secure platforms, since they allow “security patches” to the hardware and the system, as it is normally done in software. Despite such promising prospects of FPGAs for secure applications, there are still many security issues to be resolved for the FPGA fabric since the existing commercially-available reconfigurable technology is not made for secure applications. There exist challenges in applying the currently-known countermeasures to physical attacks in FPGA platforms, due to high area, low throughput, high power/energy, high latency, etc. The implementation and mapping of such security schemes to the FPGA is “ad hoc”, meaning for every cryptographic algorithm and every design architecture, the countermeasures should be readjusted. In addition, the existing FPGA technology is vulnerable to many security attacks and side-channel analysis, even enabling adversaries to attack the system remotely.The main objective of this project is to design a secure reconfigurable platform (SAUBER), which is resilient to various malicious physical attacks and can act as the center of trust in SoCs, in order to implement cryptographic algorithms and other highly secure functions. The new platform would provide strong protection against side-channel analysis attacks, fault-injection attacks, thermal attacks, power supply noise attacks and at the same time enable adjustable security primitives, e.g., PRNG, necessary for algorithmic countermeasures against physical attacks. We will investigate how to adopt and re-design currently available ASIC-based hiding countermeasures so that their realization in a reconfigurable platform would lead to strong protection against physical attacks. We will design the secure reconfigurable fabric and develop the secure mapping toolchain, on top of existing open source FPGA mapping tools, to automatically map user applications to this platform and embed security features in a systematic and automated manner.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Cooperation Partner
Professor Dr. Jean-Luc Danger