Measurement-Platform for Ultra-High Data-Rates (MORE)

Subject Area Communication Technology and Networks, High-Frequency Technology and Photonic Systems, Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Information Technology
Term from 2020 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 434434888

Project Description

Future communication systems have to provide drastically increased data-rates. The TUD has already demonstrated ICs with small-signal bandwidths of 200 GHz. However, the large-signal measurements of the ultra-high data-rates feasible with such ICs are very challenging. The challenges increase with noise and distortion and the fact that the generation of high data-rates comes with reduced signal levels. A further problem is the phase noise of the signal sources limiting the measurement accuracy. M O R E wants to solve these issues and aims at establishing the worldwide fastest data-rate measurement platform. After very constructive discussions, the suppliers offer to the M O R E platform equipment with record and future-proved properties:- Exclusively for this project, a data-rate and bit error tester is developed with 4 channels each providing a record data-rate of 130 Gb/s even with NRZ (Non-Return-to-Zero) modulation. With only 4 channels, data-rates up to 0.52 Tb/s can be generated and analysed. Moreover, the output signal level of the modules will be increased from 450 mV to ≥ 700 mV.- Real-time oscilloscope (RTO) with 4 channels each having sampling rates of 256 GS/s and bandwidths of 100 GHz. The bandwidth per channel is extendable to 110 GHz. To improve the crucial signal detection above 70 GHz, a unique calibration is offered specially to M O R E to improve the bit resolution.- Arbitrary wave generator (AWG) with 2 channels each providing 120 GS/s and complex data formats such as 64 QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation). Specifically for M O R E, an advanced tool-set will be implemented as additional feature to suppress distortions.- Signal generator up to 42 GHz with novel ultra-low-phase-noise option.Even with these advanced performances and additional features, it was possible to negotiate costs well below list prices leading to overall costs of 2.173 Mio. €.In addition, we will extend the measurable speed per single channel beyond 200 Gb/s by self-designed SiGe multiplexers thereby improving the state-of-the-art (SoA) by a factor of around 2.This equipment will e.g. enable the exploration and development of wireless communication links up to 0.52 Tb/s, optical links with ≥ 130 Gb/s per channel (even with NRZ) and data converters with 100 GHz bandwidth × 6 bit resulting in SoA improvements by factors of 4.3, 2 and 10, respectively.M O R E combines the complementary competences of 12 professors and 5 junior research group leaders from 6 universities and 1 institute, is open to include further third-party users and targets utilizations of almost 100 %. The M O R E platform will be applied by > 100 researchers and will be the nucleus for numerous follow-up research projects (DFG, BMBF, EU, etc.), networking, education of PhD students and > 100 top publications. As initiator and successful concept proposer of this major instrumentation initiative, Frank Ellinger aims at stimulating synergies between other accepted proposals.
DFG Programme Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Major Instrumentation 4 Channel BERT
4 channel real-time oscilloscope
arbitrary wave generator
signal generator
Instrumentation Group 2720 Impedanz- und Dämpfungsmeßgeräte, Frequenzgangmeßgeräte, Netzwerkanalysatoren
6300 Meßgeneratoren, Meßsender, Frequenznormale
Applicant Institution Technische Universität Dresden
Leader Professor Dr.-Ing. Frank Ellinger
Co-Investigator Dr. Ronny Henker
Cooperation Partners Professor Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Bock; Professor Dr. Daniel Erni; Professor Dr.-Ing. Gerhard P. Fettweis; Professorin Dr.-Ing. Diana Goehringer; Professor Dr. Matthias Hein; Professor Dr. Jan Hesselbarth; Professor Dr.-Ing. John Thomas Horstmann; Professor Kambiz Jamshidi, Ph.D.; Professor Dr.-Ing. Rolf Kraemer; Professor Dr.-Ing. Matthias Rudolph; Professor Dr. Ronald Tetzlaff