The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) has attached particular importance to Open Access publishing for years. In tight cooperation with the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB) as the university's library, it has systematically developed a technical and organizational Open Access infrastructure enabling green and golden path publications. The SLUB is also extensively involved in the areas of publication consulting, bibliometrics services and rights clearance for secondary publications. The University's Publication Fund is one of the key building blocks to promote Open Access. The DFG-supported fund was set up for the first time in 2013 and continued from 2014 to 2017. In 2018 and 2019, the TUD and SLUB Dresden successfully continued to fund publications in genuine Open Access journals from their own budgetary resources. A needs-based budget and innovative negotiation successes with publishers - a new OA business model (flat rate) and systematic renegotiations if the funding ceiling exceeds - made it possible to significantly raise the number of funded publications compared to previous years.In order to continue this success and shape the OA transformation in a sustainable way, the TUD - in close cooperation with the SLUB – submits an application for funding of publications in Open Access journals that are subject to fees. TUD and SLUB will complement the applied funding by providing budgetary resources. Moreover, in order to ensure the sustainability of the fund beyond the period of DFG funding, the TUD and the SLUB also commit to endow the publication fund with at least 5% of the SLUB's total acquisition budget. This obligation requires a reallocation of the SLUB's acquisition budget, which will be promoted within the framework of the applied funding. If necessary, TUD will provide additional funds during a transitional period. The new distribution models are intended to satisfy the requirements of the ongoing OA transformation, which will depend on special financing in the medium and long term.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)