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Iptycen-based, hemispherical NHC-Ligands for Homogeneous Catalysis with Au and Ru

Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term from 2019 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 431534898
The project aims at the production of novel iptycene-based azolium or azolinium salts as precursors of N-heterocyclic carbene, the synthesis of derived metal complexes and their use in selected homogeneously catalyzed reactions. The interest in this compound class results from the special stereochemical properties of N-iptycenyl-based NHC ligands. The fundamental synthetic development of this new ligand class ultimately aims at realizing the potential of N-iptycenyl-based NHC metal complexes in homogeneous catalysis. Activities will focus on the new and further development of various catalysis reactions in order to comprehensively demonstrate the benefits of this ligand class. Specifically, it is planned to investigate the following reactions: a) Bispentiptycenyl-NHC gold complexes for the (regio-selective) hydrogenation of alkynes; and c) Bistriptycenyl-NHC ruthenium complexes for stereoinverting and stereoretentive olefin metathesis reactions.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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