Theoretical and experimental interplay to optimize the EIC design
Subject Area
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
from 2019 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 409651613
A key goal at the future EIC is to explore the inner structure of atomic nuclei with unprecedented precision. The e+A program at the EIC promises exciting and possibly unexpected results. In fact, experimental measurements on nuclei at high energies have often presented us with puzzles and surprises, the discoveries of the EMC effect and the jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions arguably being among the most prominent examples. The exciting physics lies in the study of quantities for which the nucleus reveals that it is more than just a collection of individual protons and neutrons. The EIC will allow access to such new probes of nuclear structure. This project has several components. We aim at updating the analysis of existing data on the partonic structure of nuclei, using higher ordersin QCD perturbation theory and the latest information available from experiment. We will also carry out studies of semi-inclusive observables in e+A physics at the EIC that will provide new insights into nuclear structure. Semi-inclusive deep-inelastic e+A scattering has the potential to unravel the structure of the flavor sea. It also allows access to transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions in nuclei.To make full use of the opportunities provided by the EIC requires not only state-of-the art theoretical QCD calculations but also improved Monte-Carlo event generators and detector simulations. The latter needto become available already now in the planning process for the EIC.For our studies, we will therefore also advance the relevant event generators, in close collaboration with the respective authors. The goal of this effort is to influence and optimize the design of the future EIC detectors.
DFG Programme
Research Units
International Connection