SPP 1335:
Scalable Visual Analytics: Interaktive visuelle Analysesysteme für komplexe Informationswelten
Fachliche Zuordnung
Informatik, System- und Elektrotechnik
Förderung von 2008 bis 2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 43045503
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
In research and development as well as numerous application areas fast growing data sets develop with ever higher complexity and dynamics. A central challenge is to filter the substantial information and to communicate it to humans in an appropriate way. Interactive visual data analysis techniques combine the perceptual and cognitive abilities of humans with automatic data analysis techniques. Only by a combination of data analysis and visualization techniques an effective access to otherwise unmanageable complex data sets becomes possible. Visual analysis techniques make the unexpected more easily discoverable and help to gain new cognitions and insights.
The primary goal of the SPP 1335: Scalable Visual Analytics is to represent abstract data graphically in such a way that structural connections and relevant characteristics become visible. New visual analysis techniques were developed, which fulfill present and future requirements. The techniques enable scalable visual analysis systems, which connect automatic data analysis methods with interactive visualization techniques and can be integrated smoothly into custom-designed data exploration processes for the analysis of complex information spaces.
In the SPP 1335 researchers from 17 German universities and institutes worked together with foreign researchers in highly interdisciplinary research projects over the last six years. The participants contributed expertise in the fields of information visualization, data analysis, and human-computer interaction, but also incorporated other areas of research such as statistical analysis, geo-spatial data analysis, and perceptual psychology.
The close collaboration resulted in remarkable results that were achieved within the SPP 1335. Analysis methods, visualizations, and concepts were developed and combined to create scalable visual analytics systems that enable the exploration and analysis of complex information spaces. Thanks to successes in text analysis, movement and event analysis, life science and medicine and more generally in the field of exploration and analysis of complex and high-dimensional data, a number of real-world application problems could be tackled. These successes gave impulses for further research activities, one prominent example being the SFB-TRR 161. In addition to the scientific achievements, substantial funding-policy goals were achieved. One highlight being the reoccurring workshops promoting women in science at major visualization and visual analytics conferences.
Internationaler Bezug
Developing new visual analysis methods to be integrated into simulation processes, focusing on the exploration of cell biological systems in space and time
Schumann, Heidrun
Higher Order Visual Search for Information in Multidimensional Data Sets
Magnor, Marcus
Theisel, Holger
Keim, Daniel
Scalable Visual Analysis of Patent and Scientific Document Collections
Ertl, Thomas
Skalierbare visuelle Analyse von Videodaten
Heidemann, Gunther
Weiskopf, Daniel
The project develops new techniques for the interactive navigtion, visualization, and analysis of heterogeneous biological networks
Kaufmann, Ph.D., Michael
Kohlbacher, Oliver
Lenhof, Hans-Peter
Topology-based Visual Analysis of Information Spaces
Scheuermann, Gerik
Towards semantically steered navigation in shape spaces exemplified by rodent skull morphology in correlation to external attributes
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Klein, Reinhard
Schunke, Anja
Variational Methods for Model-based Interacitve Analysis of Flows
Cremers, Daniel
Rumpf, Martin
Visual analysis of movement and event data in spatiotemporal context
Keim, Daniel
Wrobel, Stefan
Visual Analytics for Large and heterogeneous Life Science data with emphasis on expression data
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Nieselt, Kay Katja
Scheuermann, Gerik
Visual Analytics in Public Health
Preim, Bernhard
Tönnies, Klaus-Dietz
Völzke, Henry
Visual Analytics Methods for Modeling in Medical Imaging
Landesberger von Antburg, Tatiana
Visual Analytics methods to steer the subspace clustering process
Deussen, Oliver
Seidl, Thomas
Visual feature space analysis
Schreck, Tobias
Visual Interactive Exploration of Geo-Located Infrastructure and Facilities in Urban Areas
Boll, Susanne
Visualization of and interaction with complex graphs on large-scale and high-resolution displays: models, metaphors, and interaction paradigms
Liggesmeyer, Peter
Visually guided exploration of point cloud data in Euclidean space
Giesen, Joachim
Zoomable Cell
Gumhold, Stefan
Schroeder, Michael