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Experimental and theoretical investigation of fluid dynamics and separation behavior of moving columns

Subject Area Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
Term from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 430273223
The separation of fluid mixtures in gas-liquid contact units on floating platforms or big ships faces severe technical challenges due to the swell conditions. The interfacial contact area between two phases inside the column is the most important parameter that determines the column height. In structured packing columns, the utilization of the overall geometric packing surface area as well as homogeneous phase distribution are crucial for an efficient contact between the phases. However, columns are exposed to considerable static and dynamics tilts, which cause phase maldistribution owing to gravitational and inertial forces and, as a consequence, affect the separation processes remarkably.The project aims at describing the separation performance of moving columns by considering their evolving fluid dynamics. To this end, a feasible modelling approach based on the hydrodynamic analogy concept will be developed capable of predicting the separation performance for known wetting conditions. This knowledge will be achieved through a systematic experimental study concerning the influence of rotational and translational motions on the fluid dynamics. Characteristic flow structures within the packing cross-section will be identified and measured dynamically with a novel film sensor at high temporal resolution. Consequently derived correlations describing the fluid dynamics of the two-phase flow will be incorporated in the dynamic model approach to be developed for the description of the separation performance. The process of air dehumidification with triethylene glycol will be applied as an example.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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