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FDNext Further development of research data practice: tools for quality development for service institutions in cooperation with departments and research networks

Term from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 429828830
FDNext aims to foster the professionalisation of university service institutions and their portfolio of services from a holistic perspective, thus contributing to the facilitation of practically oriented research data management. We want to move from the overall institutional perspective, which is reflected in the results of our FDMentor project, to the special perspectives of the departments and research structures. We intend to develop, both exemplary and as a model, consulting and training offerings for individual disciplines and specific forms of research organisation. The focus is also on special research settings, such as those found in collaborative projects with various institutions, including non-university ones, or large research projects with a large number of project partners. The ability to connect to future national and international frameworks is a fundamental concern, as is the promotion of cooperation with existing structures.The goals of the project can be defined in seven areas:(1) RD strategies for departments: How are the faculties and subjects of the institution organised and what demands do they have towards the service providers? (2) RD policies for research projects: How can projects and broader research structures (e.g. SFBs) define an effective RDM? (3) RD service portfolios for service providers: How do service institutions systematically evaluate and manage their portfolios with regard to the RDM of their departments and research structures? (4) Concepts and competencies for RD legal advice: How can low-threshold institutional advice on RD-relevant legal issues be established? (5) RD train-the-trainer concepts: How can scalable multiplier training courses for the individual disciplines be developed and implemented? (6) Blended learning for RD trainings: How can the acquisition of competence of the various target groups be supported by digital courses? (7) RD-Communities: How can the activities and results of FDNext be networked with the existing and emerging RD-Communities nationally and internationally?In dealing with these interacting topics, strategic perspectives are combined with practical application methods in order to transfer the knowledge of subject-specific competence development into practice and to enable other universities or research institutions to determine their own needs and to develop measures suitable for their respective research profile.
DFG Programme Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Ehemalige Antragsteller Niklas Hartmann, until 4/2021; Dr. Andreas Kennecke, from 5/2021 until 11/2022

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