The envisaged scientific network addresses epistemological frameworks, methodological questions, and guidelines for the realization and reporting of Delphi procedures. JProf. Dr. Marlen Niederberger (PH Schwäbisch Gmünd) is the coordinator of the network. She has extensive experience in the administration of Delphi procedures, published respective work and held a symposium on the subject in 2018. Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn (IASS Potsdam) is co-responsible for the coordination.Internationally speaking, Delphi procedures proved successful in various disciplines and fields of application. In the health and social sciences, they are mainly used to assess the level of knowledge, predict potential future conditions, resolve controversial judgments and draft standards in consensus. In recent years, many varieties of Delphi techniques evolved (e.g. Real-Time Delphi, Delphi Markets, Policy Delphi, Group Delphi). The development of new variants also involves epistemological and methodological changes of the classic Delphi design.However, findings of several systematic reviews show that these developments are not epistemologically and methodologically sound. This also means that it is difficult to associate Delphi procedures with a specific paradigm. Above all, this has consequences for the identification of suitable quality criteria. In addition, publications on Delphi procedures reveal shortcomings and erroneous data presentations.These desiderata illustrate the relevance of a scientific exchange on Delphi procedures - across disciplines as well as from a theoretical, epistemological and practical perspective. This objective of an exchange is the pursuit of the envisaged scientific network "Dewiss". Subjects at first are epistemological grounding and the improvement of methodological quality. From this follows a cross-disciplinary draft of reporting guidelines. A total of 23 scientists from diverse disciplines, qualification levels and epistemological approaches pursue the following goals:1. Networking and promotion of young researchers2. Exchange of sound knowledge and experience3. Methodical testing or surveying to improve the methodical foundation of Delphi procedures4. Development of guidelines in consensus for the realization and reporting of Delphi procedures, for an international research landscapeIn the period of three years, the intention is to hold four two-day network meetings as well as to form three smaller working groups. These working groups elaborate specific topics and thereby support the work at the network meetings. Key topics are already specified, and group representatives appointed.Findings of "Dewiss" will be documented and published in journals and on a specifically therefore created website.
DFG Programme
Scientific Networks