In-situ differential fast scanning calorimetry of rapid solidification of aluminium-based alloys

Applicant Dr. Bin Yang
Subject Area Metallurgical, Thermal and Thermomechanical Treatment of Materials
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 429176653

Project Description

Rapid solidification has gained further interest as it is intrinsically linked to the evolving field of additive manufacturing (AM). Numerical simulation and ex-situ investigations exist on the rapid solidification of metals, whereas corresponding in-situ investigations are lacking. The aim of the project is to deepen the understanding of the rapid solidification of aluminium alloys by means of in-situ differential fast scanning calorimetry (DFSC) combined with microstructure analysis and phase field modelling, and to transfer the results to additive manufacturing. Combined DFSC (Dr. Yang, °CALOR), phase field simulation (Dr. Apel, ACCESS) and microstructure analysis (Dr. Yang and Dr. Apel) should allow a direct correlation and understanding of solidification paths under rapid cooling. The following research objectives have been compiled: 1) In-situ characterization of rapid solidification of single micro-sized aluminium-based alloy particles, by application of DFSC combined with microstructure characterization and phase field modelling; 2) Development of microstructure maps for rapidly solidified aluminium-based alloy particles; 3) In-situ investigation of phase transformations of single aluminium-based alloy particles at AM related thermal conditions (e.g., thermal cycling and build platform temperature) by DFSC.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigator Professor Dr.-Ing. Olaf Keßler