In summary, the improved up-scaling methods to synthesise O,O-diethyl carbonothioate and O,O-diethyl carbonoselenoate now allow for the synthesis of PCS– and PCSe– on a multigram scale. Three new complexes utilising the reductive power of [K{Al(NON)}]2 have been synthesized, allowing for a better understanding of the reactivity of cyaphide complexes. For the first time, iPr3SiOCP is now accessible in high purity as reagent and can be stored at low temperatures. iPr3SiOCP is already extensively used in the generation of various other cyaphide complexes with other reducing metal complexes in the Goicoechea group, yielding a multitude of novel cyaphide complexes. So far none of the presented results have been published, due to unfinished state of the work when the pandemic struck, and the department was fully closed.